The Waco Diaper Bank is currently in a needs assessment and capacity building phase. If you would like more info, please contact
The Waco Diaper Bank is currently in a needs assessment and capacity building phase. If you would like more info, please contact
Hello, I’d like to help. Please send me more information.
Thank you, Sheronda Pruitt-Jones
This is a great idea! If you havent already, please consider the need for diapers in larger sizes, for older children/youth/adults with disabilities.
Hi Anita,
As we start out, we are going to limit the focus to babies/toddlers (and we will make sure to get diapers in larger sizes than just newborn/1/2). But there are diaper banks across the country, including the one in Austin (which is the place where we have taken so much inspiration) that also receive adult diapers as well. We definitely want to be able to add that capacity as we get more established! It truly is a need.
Our food pantry gives diapers to families with babies—but seldom have enough for the need each week. Currently we only get those that are available at GIK through Caritas and would like to share more with our clients.
As we continue to get the diaper bank up and running, we will eventually have an application for social service agencies, food banks and other organizations that work with families in need, to become partner agencies where diapers are distributed. I’ll make sure to email you when that is ready!
Is this strictly disposable diapers or have y’all considered cloth diapers as well since it is another way to cut costs for families and lessens the amount of diapers needed for one family since they can be reused? Would love to help in anyway especially with cloth diapers if that’s an option! We are a cloth diaper family and love to share the knowledge and savings to people not as familiar!
Hi Aubrie,
We are focusing on disposables, though there are other great cloth diaper banks or loaning programs out there, like Giving Diapers, Giving Hope or Rebecca’s Closet. I love cloth myself, we used them part time (because of daycare) on my kiddos.
The reason we are focusing on disposables is that for those in systemic poverty, one can’t assume that they have reliable or easy access to a washer and dryer. For those working several jobs to make ends meet, having the time and/or transportation to wash diapers at a laundromat can also be an issue.
Thanks for asking!